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Showing 20 of 1037 results

How to stay active in the winter

Winter months can be a challenge for maintaining an active lifestyle. As temperatures drop and daylight hours shrink, staying motivated to keep moving can feel like an uphill battle. However
man refuses drink with alcohol

The benefits of reducing alcohol consumption in 2025

Have you ever thought about taking a break from alcohol? If so, the start of a new year is a wonderful time to try it out. Taking time off from

Does your body mass index (BMI) really matter?

There are many reasons a healthcare provider takes your height and weight at your annual checkup—one of them being so they can calculate your body mass index (BMI). What exactly

Nutrition facts: How to read food labels without being fooled

When it comes to nutrition, it can often be hard to make the right choices. Most foods in the grocery store require a nutrition facts label and ingredients list. Some

What symptoms does RSV cause and what should I do about them?

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a common cause of illnesses that affect the respiratory tract. It’s important for everyone, especially parents and caregivers, to understand the symptoms of RSV infection

Spreading joy, not stress: 5 tips to support new parents this holiday season

As family and friends, it’s crucial to support new parents during the holidays, ensuring they feel loved and appreciated while they navigate this significant life change.

Breaking the silence: Addressing mental health in athletes

In recent years, mental health has become a focal point of discussion in many areas, including sports. Athletes, regardless of their level of competition, face unique challenges that can significantly

Exploring the benefits of red light therapy

Recently, red light therapy has been gaining attention as a non-invasive treatment that can provide potential wellness benefits. From enhancing skin health to alleviating pain, this innovative therapy is making

Managing kidney stones: Symptoms, causes and treatment

Kidney stone disease or nephrolithiasis is a common health concern that can cause significant pain and discomfort. That’s why understanding the symptoms and causes of kidney stones is essential for

Rheumatoid arthritis vs. lupus: What’s the difference?

When it comes to autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and lupus are often mentioned. They share certain characteristics, but they are distinct conditions with unique symptoms, causes and treatments. Understanding

Pinched nerves, sciatica and carpal tunnel

Pinched nerves and related common conditions like sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome can cause significant discomfort and interfere with your daily activities. Understanding these conditions, their causes and how to

Essential tips for preventing sports injuries

Getting exercise is good for your body and soul, but being active comes with a level of injury risk. Basic injury prevention So what can you do to prevent sports

The top 10 benefits of virtual care

Virtual care, also known as telehealth or telemedicine, has revolutionized the healthcare industry. With advancements in technology, patients and healthcare providers can connect remotely, offering numerous benefits. But what exactly

The difference between tonsilitis, strep throat and sore throat

Not all sore throats are the same. Learn the differences between a common sore throat, tonsillitis and strep throat so you can find the right treatment and feel better, faster.

Is vasectomy the best male birth control for me?

Vasectomy is a practical birth control option for men who no longer want to have children. Likely, it's a procedure you can have done at your local Gundersen clinic.

LASIK eye surgery: Is it right for me?

Is LASIK eye surgery right for you? Read on to explore what LASIK is, who qualifies for it and if it’s a good option for improving your vision.

Understanding hearing loss

Aging can be part of hearing loss, but the truth is hearing loss affects people of all ages and has many causes. Learn more about treatment options and prevention strategies.

The buzz on braces: Top 10 questions about orthodontics

Orthodontic treatment offers health benefits beyond just a beautiful, confident smile. Whether you’re considering braces for you or your child, get answers to the top questions about orthodontics.

Water or electrolyte drinks: What's better for athletes?

Staying hydrated is essential for all athletes and supporting their physical performance, but there's an ongoing debate: should they drink plain water or opt for electrolyte drinks instead?

Living with endometriosis & infertility

Endometriosis is a common condition affecting millions of women. Endometriosis management and treatments can improve symptoms, fertility and help you life a full and health life!

1900 South Ave.
La Crosse, WI 54601

(608) 782-7300

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