Before Baby: Preparing for Pregnancy
A healthy baby depends on a healthy you. Establishing healthy habits now allows your baby to grow in the best possible environment.
Steps for Success
We’ll check your overall health and let you know of any risk factors that may impact your chances of getting pregnant.
All harm your baby’s development.
You need a balanced diet to nourish your unborn baby.
If you are overweight, you may have medical problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Being underweight may put your baby at risk of having a low birth weight.
Take control of your current medical problems, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
Take a prenatal vitamin or a multivitamin with 400 MCG of folic acid daily before conception and throughout pregnancy to reduce the risk of birth defects.
Provider options
You can choose an obstetrician, midwife or family doctor to care for you during pregnancy and delivery.
Trouble getting pregnant
If you haven’t conceived, let’s figure out why together and make a plan for pregnancy.
Genetic counseling
Genetic tests can show your chances of having a child with a disease or other problem. This video explores the process. [Introduction to Prenatal Screening at Gundersen Health System]
Prenatal care roadmap
Learn what’s ahead during each of your prenatal appointments with our helpful guide.