Gundersen St. Joseph's Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health services are provided at the Gundersen St. Joseph's Hillsboro, Elroy and Wonewoc Clinics.
Hours & address
Patient hours
Phone numbers
Phone: (608) 489-8280
- Assessment
- Medication management
- Individual psychotherapy
- Couples/family counseling
- Integrated Behavioral Health care in primary care settings
When you are seen for your first visit in Behavioral Health, a provider will complete an assessment to determine how to best treat your situation or condition. There are many treatment options available. Your provider will discuss best options for you.
Facility charges
All services at Gundersen St. Joseph's Behavioral Health are departments of Gundersen St. Joseph's Hospital. Depending on your health insurance, this hospital-based clinic may charge a separate facility fee, which might result in higher out-of-pocket expense. For more information, please contact Gundersen Customer Financial Services St. Joseph's area at (608) 489-8198.
Other locations

Gundersen St. Joseph's Hospital
400 Water Ave.
P.O. Box 527
WI 54634

Gundersen St. Joseph's Emergency & Urgent Care
400 Water Ave.
WI 54634

Gundersen St. Joseph's Hillsboro Clinic
400 Water Ave.
WI 54634

Gundersen St. Joseph's Specialty Clinic - Hillsboro
400 Water Ave.
P.O. Box 527
WI 54634

Gundersen Eye Clinic Hillsboro
845 Water Ave.
WI 54634

Gundersen St. Joseph's Wonewoc Clinic
301 Railroad St.
WI 53968