Gundersen Tri-County Foundation
Our Foundation is the fundraising arm of Gundersen Tri-County Hospital and Clinics.
Your support stays local
The Foundation provides numerous ways in which past patients, family, community members, staff and supporters can give to the organization and support rural community healthcare now and into the future.
All donations remain in central Trempealeau County, providing funding for:
- Up-to-date technology
- Continuing education for staff
- Healthcare scholarships for high-school seniors and community members
- Support for the capital campaign new hospital and renovated clinic, building for tomorrow, today
Kinds of donations
The Foundation can help you with any donation or gifting plans you may have. These can include:
- Honor someone special with a Love Light
- Donating online
- Estate planning
- Planned giving
- Gifts for a special department
- Annual gifts
- One-time gifts in honor of a loved one
- One-time gifts in memory of a loved one
For gifts of $1,000 or more, your name will be added to our Giving Tree. It hangs on a wall just beyond the Rehabilitation Services entrance on the first floor of Gundersen Tri-County Hospital.
If you'd like to learn more about one-time, targeted or long-term giving opportunities, please call (715) 538-4361 or Foundation Director, Susan Zimmerman (715) 538-4361, ext. 64158.
Members of our Foundation Board of Directors
Kurt Johnson
Chairman, Whitehall Community
Shirley Miller
Blair Community
Michael Warner
Independence Community
Dohn Galstad
Blair Community
Fred Boe
Independence Community
Susan Zimmerman
Foundation Director
Rachel Risberg
Whitehall Community
Daniel Coenen