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In a world where everything comes right to us and we have endless opportunities to fill every minute of our day, it can be easy to overlook the task of caring for yourself. Do you remember to take time to fuel yourself up as you bustle through your day?

Resilience is a way to manage the energy you have in a day and deal with the demands of your life. It's a series of practices that will support you and your well-being. In order to drive your car, you gas it up - if you don't, it won't go. But how many of you race around long after you have hit empty?

Here are some daily practices that will help fuel you.

  • Get quality sleep
  • Eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet
  • Add regular physical activity
  • Focus on spending time with people who fill you up, not leave you feeling drained
  • Take some time to quiet your mind; Try spending 30 seconds taking a slow deep breath

These basic daily practices are only the tip of the iceberg, but they are the foundation of managing your resilience. What new practice will you try for the next 7 days?

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