To help maintain or increase your strength during or after cancer treatment, talk to you provider about your options, such as:
LiveStrong at the YMCA, La Crosse - LiveStrong is a 12-week small-group fitness program for adult cancer survivors who have become deconditioned or chronically fatigued from their treatment and/or disease. The program includes:
- Free 12-week YMCA Family Membership
- Two 75-minute classes per week
- A combination of individual instruction and group activities
Participants must receive medical clearance and are evaluated on an individual basis. Contact: Health Interventions Director, Dana Boler at [email protected].
Winona Survivors Unite in Exercise (Program) - Winona State University, Gundersen Health System Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders and Winona Health have teamed up to offer a free, customized exercise program for patients with cancer. The goal of the program is to help you maintain or improve strength, endurance, flexibility and wellness following treatment.
- Meeting Time: The program is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:45 to 7:45 a.m.
- Location: Winona State University Wellness Complex - Room 136
- Requirements: Check with your physician to determine if you are ready for the program.
Contact Winona Survivors Unite in Exercise Project Manager, Winona State University at (507) 457-5219 or email, [email protected] to register for this free exercise program.
Living Smart (Booklet) - Available from the American Cancer Society. Contact the American Cancer Society Navigator at (608) 775-1359.
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