Wisconsin State Assembly Representative Scott Krug (R-Rome), who experienced a medical emergency in January 2021, recently honored the Gundersen Moundview Hospital and Clinics staff who cared for him in the ER with a First Responder of the Year Award.
“On January 4, 2021 I was scheduled to be sworn in for a sixth term in the Wisconsin State Assembly,” shares Rep. Krug. “Instead, I ended up in Gundersen Moundview’s Emergency Room due to an allergic reaction I had while at home. I had hives, was itchy and had taken Benadryl for this but it wasn’t helping. I started to feel short of breath, so my wife drove me to the ER.”
“He was in anaphylactic shock when he arrived,” says Bobbi Meyer, RN, Gundersen Moundview emergency room. “His breathing was labored, he had hives all over his body and his blood pressure had dropped to a life-threatening level because his body was fighting to keep him alive. It took two doses of epi and multiple bags of IV fluids before he was stabilized.”
“In my career, this is the worst anaphylactic reaction I have ever encountered,” says Christy Short, DO. “Rep. Krug’s anaphylactic reaction had also caused a metabolic imbalance that required several medications to further correct electrolyte abnormalities. Given the critical nature of his illness, we felt he needed a higher level of care to continue to correct and monitor his condition. We arranged for him to be transported to Gundersen in La Crosse.”
“Later that day, I was sworn in for my new term in office while I was in a hospital bed at La Crosse,” said Krug. “Thanks to Dr. Short, Bobbi Meyer and the team at Gundersen Moundview who saved my life, I am still here today and able to serve those who elected me to office.”
The First Responder of the Year Award was created to highlight the work of emergency services staff in local communities. Wisconsin State Representatives select individuals from each district who were nominated for the award.