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Earthing, also referred to as grounding, is an age-old practice that involves connecting your body, mind and spirit to the planet. You can practice earthing by standing barefoot or laying in the grass—anything that allows your body to connect directly with the ground.

Over time, humans have had less and less interaction with the outdoors. Our ancestors walked barefoot and slept on the ground or with a thin layer of animal hide. Today, we walk with our feet cushioned in shoes and sleep in beds. While life has gotten more comfortable, over the past 50 years chronic diseases, immune disorders and inflammation in the body have increased. Some research suggests that a lack of grounding could correlate with our decline in health.

At the same time, studies also show that connecting your body with Earth's electrons has many health benefits. According to the National Institutes of Health, earthing can improve sleep, decrease stress and improve well-being. Research supports earthing as an essential element for boosting your overall health and wellness.

Try it!

Head outside to lay in the grass and enjoy the spring breeze. Take a walk barefoot, if you are able. Taking time to connect yourself to the Earth will provide benefits to your mental and physical health.

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