Gundersen Boscobel Cardiopulmonary Rehab's new Matrix recumbent cycle.
In January, Nora Munson, Director of Cardiopulmonary Rehab, submitted a grant application to the Boscobel Area Hospital and Clinics (BAHC) Foundation for a recumbent cycle made by Matrix. Soon after, the BAHC Foundation Board approved the request and the new cycle was purchased and available for use by Cardiopulmonary Rehab patients. "We are very fortunate to have the support of our Foundation," shared Munson. "The new annual grant request process was helpful in getting our department thinking about the needs of our department and know it was useful for the BAHC Foundation in prioritizing the best projects for the needs of the patients."
The new recumbent cycle is used by patients in all three realms of the department: Cardiac Rehab, Pulmonary Rehab and Movin' & More—a program where individuals can pay a monthly fee for access to and supervision on the various pieces of equipment. It provides cardiovascular workouts by helping patients gain strength, stamina and endurance. Medical conditions for which this equipment is key include heart and lung disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, those with orthopedic limitations and those with other chronic medical conditions.
A recumbent cycle is unique in that it accommodates individuals who are functioning at both high and lower-levels by making adaptations. And, since it offers a wide range of levels, it can be used on a variety of patient populations. Some additional features of the cycle chosen by Munson include its step-thru design for easy access, it is non-electrical, so there are no cords or tripping hazards and it can accommodate a patient weight up to 400 lbs.
The recumbent cycle is a new addition to the Cardiopulmonary Rehab department. While a similar cycle had been borrowed from another department, it had to be returned. "The cycle-on-loan was highly used and therefore greatly missed," Munson continued. "Our patients are thrilled to have this equipment back for good."
The Cardiopulmonary Rehab patients typically attend rehabilitation two- to three times each week, anywhere from two to three months or indefinitely, depending on the program they are enrolled in. So, this cycle will get plenty of use.
The unique part of this Foundation request is that there were some donor-specified funds intended solely for this purpose, which is another important consideration when making a gift. This means that a few generous donors made gifts specifically towards the purchase of this piece of equipment. If there is something you feel strongly about, you can earmark your donation accordingly.
"We are thankful to have this piece of equipment available for our patients," concludes Munson. "The BAHC Foundation plays a critical role in providing equipment and resources so we can provide our highest levels of patient care possible."