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Showing 20 of 1013 results
when you can't do dairy-lactose intolerant

When you can't do dairy

Many people have trouble digesting dairy foods, resulting in symptoms such as diarrhea, gas, bloating, abdominal cramps and nausea. Intolerance to dairy products can be caused by lactose intolerance.
woman stretching on the floor

Switch up your workout routine

First, if your workout routine is working for you and you're enjoying it, don't feel the need to change what is working. However, if you are experiencing any of the
Is coffee bad for you

Is coffee bad for you?

Could coffee be the best part of your morning or a health barrier? We explore the benefits and potential pitfalls of this popular morning beverage.
pumpkin cheesecake smoothie recipe

Pumpkin cheesecake smoothie recipe

Are you craving for sweet and delicious shake? Check out our pumpkin cheesecake smoothie recipe.
fruits and vegetables on a refrigerator shelf

What can I substitute when my normal foods are not available?

It happens to the best of us. You have your grocery list prepared but you forget to pick up a much-needed item. Here are some substitutes for regular staples in
Vitamin D choices

How to get your vitamin D—with and without sun

Most people do not consume enough vitamin D to meet the recommended amounts. How do you compare? Is it time to take supplement?
Fiesta rice

Fiesta rice

Add a delicious mix of beans and veggies to punch up the flavor profile of your rice side dish - perfect for a fiesta!
Mushroom bolognese with whole wheat pasta recipe

Mushroom bolognese with whole wheat pasta

This hearty vegetarian Bolognese dish is packed with veggies and simmered in a flavorful tomato sauce, it's a complete meal in one pot. Ready in under an hour, it's perfect
woman running outside with a mask

Stay cool in your mask

Wearing a mask during the summer months or during exercise can increase the discomfort level, but it's necessary if you are going to be around other people outside of your
Meatless chili mac recipe

Meatless chili mac recipe

This meatless chili mac combining two classic favorites into a healthy one-pot vegetarian meal!
common ingredient alternatives

Common ingredient alternatives

Whether you have a food allergy or intolerance, don't have the ingredients or simply don't care for an ingredient, we suggest these alternatives.
woman holding head in hand looking tired in front of computer

Fight off fatigue with these tips and tricks

Do you find yourself dragging by mid-morning? Tired of pushing through despite feeling tired all day long? Running on empty doesn't have to be your norm. Constant exhaustion is the
the gadget every kitchen needs-blender

The gadget every kitchen needs

In the world of kitchen equipment, the quality and type of equipment in your kitchen can make all the difference in ease of food preparation.
Collagen powder on countertop with the word collagen spelled in it

What is the benefit of collagen in your diet?

Collagen is the foundation of the human body. But, how much do you need in your diet and what foods are good sources of collagen? We answer these questions and
vegan chickpea salad recipe

Vegan chickpea salad recipe

A light and flavorful pasta salad packed with tuna, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, kalamata olives and a simple lemon oregano dressing.
Want to be a plant mom

Want to become a plant mom?

Growing your own produce can be easy and satisfying. Here are some tips to get you started.
Going vegan

What you need to know before you decide to go vegan

Are you thinking about trying a vegan, plant-based diet? Before you make the switch, here are important factors to consider.

8 items you'll find in every dietitian's kitchen

"But what do you eat?!" It's a question every dietitian has undoubtedly been asked at some point in their career. Of course it isn't always that simple. Dietitians, like everyone
Fruits and vegetables in a box

Have you signed up for your CSA yet?

What is a CSA? "CSA" stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is exactly as it sounds–local agriculture that is directly supported by the community. Instead of going to the grocery

Healthy food is fast food

5 on-the-go foods that are also good for you! Time is often a barrier for those looking to improve their lifestyle choices. It does sometimes take a little extra effort

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La Crosse, WI 54601

(608) 782-7300

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